Thursday, February 24, 2011

Learning New Words With Friends

Less than a month ago, I was introduced to an application for my phone called Wordfeud. iPhone users play Words with Friends (which was just recently released for Android). Both of these games, are essentially, online Scrabble

Now, if you're anything like me, you don't necessarily love or hate Scrabble. It's just been one of those games that you play at your Grandmama's house, and lose. At least, I always lose. My vocabulary is not that extensive, and I don't actually attempt any type of strategy. Honestly, I didn't even realize there should be a strategy until I started playing on my phone. 

But aside from small differences (I'm sure for licensing issues), and the fact that you can go hours between turns; so that you get, at least, a little bit of work done. There is one reason why Words with Friends and Wordfued is better than actual Scrabble:


That's right, you've got a bunch of tiles that you don't know what to do with? (I'm constantly stuck with a "Q", but no "U".) Just start puttin' letters together & hit that "play" button, then the game tells you if it's actually a word! No more of those pesky challenges! In fact, I'm convinced this is the exact reason that these games are so popular. I don't believe that people are as excited about actual Scrabble, as they are these apps. But, I'm not here to argue which word game is the best, I'm here to share my treasure, my treasure of knowledge. Word knowledge.

Here's 10 words, and their definitions, that I never knew existed before I started playing Words with Friends & Wordfeud:
  • Ae - adjective - one
  • Garni - adjective - garnished
  • Jeed - interjection, verb - gee
  • Ki - noun - the Sumerian goddess personifying earth: the counterpart of the Akkadian Aruru.
  •  Lown - adjective, noun, verb -calm; quiet
  • Qi - noun - Chi (vital energy believed to circulate round the body in currents)
  • Qua - adverb - as; as being; in the character or capacity of
  • Quai - noun- quay (a landing place, especially one of solid masonry, constructed along the edge of a body of water; wharf)
  • Wees - verb -Third-person singular simple present indicative form of to wee.*
  • Zooned - verb - To fly with a humming or buzzing sound**
Can anyone honestly tell me that they've heard of any of those words? I've been using them in my games, and I just now learned all the definitions! Every time I randomly try a bunch of tiles together and they turn out to be a word, I've just added it to the list. I'll continue to make lists of new crazy words, and maybe one day I'll actually use them in real life. In the meantime, if you're playing either of those games, hit me up, I'm: itsjentastic.

All definitions were taken from
*Definition found at
**Definition found at

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