Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Kids Are Alright, but Mark Ruffalo is FINE. (See What I did there?)

In an attempt to watch as many of the Academy Award, best picture, nominated movies as I can, I watched “The Kids are All Right”. Here's the gist: Lesbian couple uses sperm donor to have children, children grow up and want to meet biological father, drama ensues. Honestly, I thought it was a pretty generic story, just substituting a straight couple with lesbians. The film's point: Marriage is hard, being a teenager is hard and growing up is hard. (It's been done, am I right?) Mark Ruffalo is the highlight of the movie, and I'll admit that could just be because he's adorable and drives a motorcycle.

Maybe I just couldn't sympathize for their characters, because I'm not married and not familiar with committed relationships. Or it could be, that they all have lots of money, with beautiful houses and throughout the whole movie it is sunny and 70 degrees; and they can sit on their patios drinking fine wines while complaining about how hard it is to be in a family.

Also, I feel like it was trying to be a dramedy and trying to be funny. Well that fell short, except for one line that made me laugh. SPOILER ALERT that line is this:

Paul (Mark Ruffalo) has just tried to give Nic (Annette Bening) parenting advice, and Nic says: Paul, I need parenting advice from you like I need a dick in my ass!

You might be thinking, Jen, that line doesn't even seem that funny. And you're right, but it is! She's a lesbian, she doesn't need a dick in her ass at all!!! and I mean, who REALLY needs a dick in their ass anyway!? But for real, Annette Bening delivers it pretty well, and Oh yea, it was one of the only things that evoked an actual emotion from me, which was possibly because the rest of the movie was kind of boring.

Also, I just saw that the tagline is “Nic and Jules had the perfect family, until they met the man who made it all possible.” Which is a load of crap!!! You can tell when you're introduced to all the characters, they might LOOK like the perfect couple, but they have problems like everyone else! This tagline is silly.

Anyway, I get what the movie was trying to do, and aside from the complaints I had, I have seen worse movies. In all, I'd give it 2 out of 5 sperm donors. (a strong, didn't like it.)

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