Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Saturday Night Live, Feb 5, 2011: Dana Carvey & Linkin Park

Let me begin by urging all of you to go ahead, and just watch the whole episode. Well, you can get away without watching the Linkin Park parts. I'll just say, this wasn't the best weekend for musical performances, if you know what I mean. (See: Super Snark Half-Time)

Imagine my excitement when I found out that Dana Carvey was back on SNL, hosting!!! Immediately I knew there could be loads of cameos from SNL Alum and all the old sketches brought back! What turned out, was actually a pretty great mix of classic characters and new sketches. So, if you're one of those people that hasn't watched SNL since Dana left in '93, yet claims that the show is terrible now, it might be a nice introduction to how dumb you've been.

As if there was any other way to start the show, That familiar Cable 10 image popped up on my TV & Phil Hartman's soothing voice let me know: it was party time.

Honestly, I can't believe how great their chemistry still is after all this time. It's almost like they never left the show, and Mike Meyers has definitely not aged one bit. (must be his mojo baby!).

It was a solid monologue, the whole bit was that audiences always have a favorite cast, but it changes with the wind. When really, every cast is actually really great...except...'86-'93 was the best...and that called for a song! A song which got a special guest appearance from Master Thespian himself: JON LOVITZ!!! (ed. note: just threw a picture up, because the monologue is like 8 minutes long, and the best part is Jon Lovitz.......and I assume that most people dont it on if you want)

After the monologue we were blessed with a new episode of Church Chat, and yet another surprise guest...who gives the Church Lady a special feeling in her pants....

Of all the people to tempt the Church lady, of course it would be the Bieb. Pretty great cameo, and I always love seeing Bobby Moynihan as Snooki.

This week the digital short was a parody trailer mocking The Roommate, with Justin Bieber & Andy, as "The Roommate" As with any other short involving Andy with a weird haircut & a silly face, it was pretty entertaining:

There were other amusing sketches throughout the night, Weekend Update never disappoints. I'll finish up with the last sketch of the night, which, in the last couple seasons, have been some of the greatest sketches. Sometimes they're on the weirder side, but this particular one combines wonderful 80s synthesizer and funny facial expressions...Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fingerlings:

There you have it, my favorite sketches from last Sat's SNL. It took a lot not to post every sketch available, so you should 1. appreciate I didn't waste more of your time, or 2. be sad I didn't waste more of your time with awesome funny things. Seriously though, if you're bored just go over to because that's where I got all the pictures and clips from anyway.

Until next week, (and I'll try to get my favs up faster), I'll leave you with the promos for Saturday's all new episode, with Russell Brand & Chris Brown! (I bet you $1 Katy Perry shows up!)

P.S. I just recently found out about a pretty cool, comic style recap called Stick Figure Night Live. If you're not SNL'd out, you should check it.

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