Well folks, it's been over a week since this episode aired and while my lack of a recap is partially due to laziness; I also thought I would wait because there isn't a new episode until May 7th! (Tina Fey!!!!!)
Cold Open was a presidential address, seems like it's been awhile since we had one of those:
I don't think this one got the credit it deserved: "Fans of SNL are unhappy because they tuned in to see the show & they got this presidential address, while others are unhappy because the show is still on the air" I mean, I know it wasn't that LOL funny, but it definitely deserved more than it got.
The monologue had Helen Mirren singing a song about being a dame....
Next up was Mort Mort Feingold: Celebrity Accountant
These are pretty silly (in a great way), but I like the impressions the best. I will say, I'm pretty much over the Kardashians, and if we never see them again I wouldn't mind at all. Clearly, Tim Burton/Helena Bonham Carter/Johnny Depp was the best part of this one.
Digital Short: Helen Mirren's Magical Bosom:
Aside from the possibly the best collection of great moments ever, Andy's pronunciation of "titties" had me giggling like crazy, and when he says "but her titties exist in a place beyond space & time" I was gone. It was short, silly and weird...just how I like 'em!
The Fox & Friends sketch was alright, mainly we learned that Helen Mirren is not great at an American accent.
There was another okay sketch about Mary Shelley's inspiration for Frankenstein.
Foo Fighters jammed their song Rope:
Update had a couple visitors this week, including James Carville
Also, a visit from Shelley Elaine, a flight attendant who's plane cracked on the ceiling, giving her the greatest hair ever.
and some of the week's Update Favorites:
There was a sketch I thought was pretty funny, but I can't find a clip anywhere. Andy Samberg was Hugh Jackman, and he hosted a talk show called "The Best of Both Worlds", because he, Hugh Jackman, was both an action star as Wolverine & a talented singer/dancer. He had guests that were similarly, 2-sided. Like Gerard Butler (300/romantic comedies). It was funny, I'm surprised they didn't put it up.
We got a nice visit from the Ninjas from Under-Underground Records in Crunk-Ass Easter Festival:
RIP Ass Dan. These are the best, especially if you've seen the ridiculousness that is the actual infomercials...(like the 10th Annual Gathering)
Then some major historical inaccuracies with The Roosevelts
A commercial for Perspective Studios:
As if it wasn't already funny, Seth Meyers says "peen" and locks it down.
Another Foo Fighters Performance: Walk
Closed out the show with an okay Strip Club sketch.
Overall, not a bad episode, definitely not as completely funny as the last few have been, but no complaints here. I'm just getting ready for the last 2 episodes of the season. They're still weeks away, but Tina Fey is hosting May 7th, and then Justin Timberlake is hosting the finale on the 21st...
Speaking of JT on the 21st...would you like to know how that was confirmed?? BET YOU WOULD!!! check it....
I found out SNL wasn't new until the 7th, and I tweeted this:
and then....@nbcsnl tweeted me back today and said "@itsjentastic Nope! We have Timberlake after that!" and then I RT'd that. So, later this evening I thought, Oh, let me favorite that tweet, because that's so cool they replied to me!! But, I couldn't find it, it was gone, missing...I thought it was weird, but went on with my life...Until just now. I went to look for the exact date that JT was hosting, so I googled it, and stumbled upon some interesting articles ACTUALLY "QUOTING" MY TWEET! Like articles from: Huffington Post!:
also PerezHilton, and TVLine. Not to mention articles linking to those articles...with MY TWEET...IMDB and HitFix If you find more, put 'em in the comments!! But, Why didn't any of these people link to my username??? C'mon people!!
Needless to say...I'm freaking out.
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