Thursday, April 7, 2011

Saturday Night Live, April 2, 2011: Elton John

Elton John was the both the host & musical guest, and I was surprised to learn that this was only his second appearance on the show. It was a solid episode and if there was any fear of having him host it was gone after the cold open. Even if he might have had some trouble there were some serious surprises that would've made up for it!

We opened up with...
The Lawrence Welk Show:

I always love these and it seems like we haven't seen one in awhile, which makes it that much funnier.

The monologue was good, some good one liners about having a baby, being Elton John, etc.

Then the real fun started!!! Check out who shows up in...
ESPN Classics:
"Make a little room for Paco, put some sauce on that taco! - KY Jelly" Seriously not even close to the funniest pun they use for KY Jelly. So, right off the bat we get Will Forte, who I don't think got nearly the applause he deserved. I don't think people realize he isn't on the show anymore, but I, gave him plenty in my living room. (Basically, I stood up and walked around the coffee table and clapped and yelled). Then Carmelo Anthony showed up and I had no idea who he was, so thank you twitter. THEN Tom Hanks showed up, and he was GLORIOUS, (plus he had the best line in the whole sketch). Now, here's my only beef w/ Hanx. I follow him on twitter (@tomhanks), and earlier Saturday afternoon, he tweeted a picture of him at SNL!!! WHY WOULD HE DO THAT!?! Basically, I had to try to convince myself that he was just there hanging out, even though I knew, in my heart, that he was going to be surprising us in a sketch. Hanx, you disappointed me, but I can't stay mad at ya. (P.S. when are you hosting again? Alec & Steve are 7 ahead of you!!!)

And just when you thought Tom Hanks was gone....
Knights of the Realm:
How great was his Michael Caine? Also, Taran Killam as Ian McKellen, nailed it! Plus the word Jizz in an English accent? Love it!

Then when you REALLY thought Hankster was gone, boom Digital Short: 
Laser Cats, The Musical 
They had Wilson!!!!!! I already love Laser Cats and then they added Space Jam and singing....just plain great.

Update was fun, as usual. Both, Moammar Gadhafi and Bronx Zoo trainer Barry Lewis paid a visit to the update desk. We even had some surprise guests!!:
Jake Gyllenhaal & Nicolas Cage!
Jake, you're hot...and you #cangetit. let's do this.

Update Highlights
"Lamborghini for every day use, because your penis is tiny every day" Update writers, you are wonderful.

Then we were back to the sketches...
Elton Visits the Queen
These have been cracking me up. I say these, I think there's only been two (maybe 3?). But Fred as the Queen just kills me.

We closed the night with a couple sketches that were pretty good. The Silver Screen had Taran Killam & Elton John talking about movies....and making out! (Yes, it was kind of like Men on Films) But as you know I love Taran Killam and he's quickly become my favorite newbie, so shut it. Then we had Elton, as an interesting Cowboy in the Old West. Finally, I figure I'd throw in a link for a musical performance, I mean, It was Elton John & Leon Russell, besides Leon Russell has the best hair/beard ever.

Anyway, as I say every week: Record the damn show live, at the very least you can go back and watch it when I tell you something exciting happened! Otherwise, you only get the cheapest 50 minutes (It's a 90 minute show). (and it's only 50 minutes whether you watch it online or ondemand!)

I leave you with promos for Saturday's show with Helen Mirren & the Foo Fighters!!

Hellen Mirren, you're like a lady silver fox!!

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